Esoterica Tobacciana pipe tobacco is blended by J.F. Germain and Son
exclusively for Butera Pipe Company using only the finest quality whole
leaf and traditional production techniques to produce their amazing pipe
tobacco blends. Entirely made, blended, and aged in the UK British Isles,
Esoterica pipe tobaccos are considered among the finest blends in the
Esoterica And So To Bed Pipe Tobacco
Only the finest grades of carefully aged Virginia and Maryland tobaccos
are blended with Greek Oriental leaf and high-grade Cyprian Latakia
to produce Esoterica's "And So To Bed." This blend is then
specially processed and additionally matured to create a mellow, full
strength smoke with rich flavors and a unique aroma.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Blackpool Pipe Tobacco
Dark as its name implies, Esoterica's Blackpool is a smooth, full
strength blend of hot-pressed dark and Golden Virginias topped with
a dash of licorice extract. This thoroughly satisfying tobacco offers
a slow and cool burning smoking experience.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD |
Esoterica Brighton Pipe Tobacco
Brighton is a notably smooth, mild, and satisfying blend with a touch of sweetness from the delightful mixture of Virginia tobaccos.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD |
Esoterica Cardiff Pipe Tobacco
Cardiff offers a well balanced mixture of four Virginias, pressed
until reddish-brown and then fully rubbed up. A mild and slightly
sweet traditional tobacco that should be enjoyed slowly.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Esoterica Dorchester Pipe Tobacco
Dorchester is a special formulation of six light Virginias blended
with Golden and Dark Virginias with air-cured leaf and a pinch of
Louisiana Perique. The carefully selected cut offers easy burning
and the Perique balances the Virginias. Dorchester is a blend for
the discerning palate.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Dunbar Pipe Tobacco
Dunbar is a mature recipe of seven types of Virginia tobaccos blended
with Louisiana Perique, lightly pressed for several days to mellow
the mixture, and then cut into flakes and rubbed up. This is a high
quality blend with a savory taste, a fine bouquet, and a rich depth
of flavor.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Kingsbridge Pipe Tobacco
Kingsbridge is a mixture of dark and gold Virginias that are hot-pressed, sliced, and ready-rubbed for a mellow and slightly sweet smoking experience and pleasant room note.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Margate Pipe Tobacco
Margate is a robust and well balanced shag-cut English blend with Cyprian Latakia in the starring role supported by premium Oriental and sweet Virginia tobaccos offering a rich, full-bodied smoke.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Peacehaven Pipe Tobacco
Peacehaven is an elegantly flavored flake comprised of six light
colored Virginia tobaccos. Mild and rich in taste with hints of
sweet and citrus fruits, this mellow flake is easy to rub out.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Esoterica Pembroke Pipe Tobacco
Pembroke is the marriage of fine French Cognac with Esoterica's
Margate, a classical English mixture of choice Orientals and generous
quantities of premium Cyprian Latakia. A rich, full bodied blend
that offers a symphony of delicate aromas and elegant flavors.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Penzance Pipe Tobacco
Penzance is a wonderfully complex secret blend of the finest Virginia,
choice Turkish and Orientals, and Cyprian Latakia. Hand blended, hard
pressed, and broad cut into thick flakes, then long matured and easily
crumbled to facilitate pipe filling, Penzance is one of the finest
English flakes available.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Ramsgate Pipe Tobacco
Ramsgate's select dark and Golden Virginias are hot pressed until
black, and then topped with licorice essence and a pleasant aroma
enhancement. A savory, slow burning, non-biting tobacco with lasting
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Esoterica Scarborough Pipe Tobacco
A refined, long-lasting blend of Golden and dark Virginias, lightly
pressed, cut and rubbed out. Scarborough is a soft, smooth Virginia
that offers flavor and complexity.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Esoterica Stonehaven Pipe Tobacco
Stonehaven pipe tobacco is a marriage of air-cured leaf and Burley
with select dark Virginias that is hard pressed and aged to produce
brown flakes with dark undertones. Stonehaven is a traditional English
flake favored by experienced pipe smokers.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Tilbury Pipe Tobacco
A harmonious blend of Golden and Dark Virginias with small portions
of Burley and air-cured leaf provide Tilbury's unique natural aroma
and piquant flavor. Matured by a special process over 100 years
old, the Tilbury blend is a potent tobacco that may cause dizziness.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD
Size: 2 Oz. (56.7 Grams)
Packaging: Tin
Limit One Tin Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $21.95 USD
Esoterica Woodbridge Pipe Tobacco
Woodbridge is a wonderfully complex mixture of six light Virginias,
pressed until reddish brown and then rubbed out, plus Golden and
dark Virginias hot pressed until jet-black. Lightly laced with licorice
and natural fruit extracts, Woodbridge is a perfectly blended and
fully matured luxury blend.
Size: 8 Oz. (226.8 Grams)
Packaging: Bag
Limit One Bag Per Customer
Availability: Out of Stock Price: $44.95 USD